The beginning of NAVARAATHRI (The Nine Nights)

Nava means 9 and raathri means night in sanskrit, its a hindu celebration which will be held for 9 consecutive days.

Navaratri is divided into sets of three days to adore different aspects of the supreme goddess. On the first three days, the Mother is invoked as powerful force called Durga in order to destroy all our impurities, vices and defects. The next three days, the Mother is adored as a giver of spiritual wealth, Lakshmi, who is considered to have the power of bestowing on her devotees the inexhaustible wealth. The final set of three days is spent in worshipping the mother as the goddess of wisdom, Saraswati. In order have all-round success in life, we need the blessings of all three aspects of the divine mother; hence, the worship for nine nights. Even the chinese or taoism has nine days celebrations for their god as well, its call jiu wang yeh in mandarin and kow wong yeh in cantonese.

 Actually i thought of writing up a blog about each and everyday about the celebration and meanings of the days but when i googled it, i found too much of info here , here, here and many more here, so i dropped the idea since my readers might get bored of me being acting religious. Guys, I’m not religious or superstitious, but i do have my own religion and at the same time i respect the atheist, because I believe everyone has got their own reason of believing into something. Believing in not believing in god is also a belief, agree? Am i confusing? Sorry if i did, lolz. Why am i saying it, because i was mistaken as a MR HOLY wannabe here.

Hmmm, last year navaraathri i was in India and the celebration was damn nice but this year here, miss it big time where you can see the vehicles will be tied with banana trees, you read it right, its banana trees as a part of rituals, haha. I shall upload it if remember.

Time flies really fast and really wish to be in Calcutta for next year navaraathri. i wish i can write more about it but i need to rush back home, get showered and go to temple, hehe, sounds pious huh? let me be atleast holy for this nine days being vegetarian lor.hehe

10 Replies to “The beginning of NAVARAATHRI (The Nine Nights)”

  1. Hemm..Mr Holy wannabe..LOL..wonder who thought dat le 😛
    actually being Holy is not only by going temple or vegetarian every week…or wearing churidar’s and kurta..hemm dat doesn’t mean u r holy or u have the respect for God.
    as long u trust in Him and be holy in ur heart is more than enough 🙂

    hey Thank you for ur information on this..for myself i do know about all this since i’m young….but i’m sure many people doesn’t..I think knowing about our culture is good, but alot of them think if you get involve in all this u ain’t modern/ u r 1 typical Indian:)..

    anywayz..guys u should try all the 9 different rice they cook for all these 9 days..its just yummy ..mmm delicious 🙂

  2. so pious ah……. not bad u r vegetarian some more…. hmmmm…. good little monster.

    I am vridham on these 9 days. By being a vegetarian and taking part in the poojas sincerely, the Amman will definitely bless us and grant our wishes. This is the best period to ask her what we want.

    In fact, i take part in the 9 day poojas to get her blessings and i only eat a meal a day so i can lose my weight at the same time. Oru kalela rendu manga, hehehe

    How is it?

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